Setpagone School

Setpagone is a small village situated on the east bank of the Ayeyarwadyriver. It dwells about 500 people who are living on farming and cattle ranching. There is a school which educates 102 students from the village and its surroundings from Grade 1 to 8 with the support of 8 teachers. It became the Grand Circle Foundation site in 2013. The school compound is quite spacious and the school kids are friendly with our travelers. However, our travelers found out that during the school time, those kids were sitting on the floor which is dangerously run down with many holes and the floor was not strongly supported enough for the safety.

Our generous travelers donated the funds to install the new floor as soon as possible. So, the project was so laborious that the carpenters and the builders had to slowly deconstruct the old parts and put the new concrete posts to support the new floor. The villagers participated in the project with labor contribution. Under the caring management of Grand Circle Foundation, the new floor has been successfully installed and the project has been accomplished. Now, the school kids are learning their lesson on the new floor on which they don’t have to worry about the safety. Their parents and the village community are happy with this and give their heart-felt thanks to the Grand Circle Foundation and our generous American travelers.

Going onwards,Grand Circle Foundation will support more classroom materials to that school to reach the standard classroom criteria.

board of school
Thanks to our Generous Travelers School Floor has been refurbished.

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